Atlanta Quest’s 2023
season of giving
As the holiday season is in full swing, we ask for all of our alumni, supporters, parents and fans to consider contributing to Atlanta Quest during this Season of Giving. Operational and housing cost have increased anywhere from 40 to 250% across the organization and continue to rise. We raised dues last year to combat these inflationary trends, but didn’t want to pass the cost further by raising dues again in 2023. We ask for help to help with food, housing, transportation, and world-class equipment for our outstanding members. Your contributions go a long way to improving member experience and keeping member dues as low as possible!
This year, Atlanta Quest will have our Questmas Holiday Camp from December 28-31, where we focus on getting most of our show “on the floor”. All donors who give to Atlanta Quest before December 27 will be invited to join us in a private preview show of our 2024 production. We hope to see you there!
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Support A Member
To donate directly to a specific member’s 2023 dues, please click below. You will be asked to specify which member you are supporting in the form before submitting.
Give to the AQ Organization
To donate to the Atlanta Quest general operational budget, please click below. Your funds will be allocated to the most immediate area of financial need for the organization.